Rabu, 09 Juni 2021

Greeneum Network

Greeneum Network

GREENEUM은 태양열, 풍력, 수력 및 열을 포함한 친환경 재생 가능하고 지속 가능한 에너지의 생산, 유통 및 소비를 추진하기 위해 세계에서 가장 진보 된 네트워크를 만듭니다.


GREENEUM 네트워크는 공급망 전반에 걸쳐 효율적이고 환경 적으로 건전한 행동을 고유하게 측정, 확인 및 인센티브를 부여하여 현재와 미래 세대에 혜택을 제공합니다.


GREENEUM 글로벌 에너지 네트워크 (GREENEUM)는 표적 인공 지능 (AI), 블록 체인 기술, IoT 및 스마트 계약을 활용하도록 설계되었습니다. 우리의 비전은 P2P (Peer-to-Peer) 에너지 및 데이터 거래의 지능적 수익 화를 실시간으로 가능하게하는 분산되고 지속 가능한 에너지 시장을 만들고 성장시키는 것입니다.


Greeneum 네트워크 란?

GREENEUM 블록 체인 네트워크는 분산 형 에너지 네트워크로, 생산자, 소비자, 거래자, 유틸리티 회사 및 기타 이해 관계자가 투명성과 신뢰를 강화하는 자유롭고 안전하게 상호 작용할 수 있습니다. GREENEUM은 에너지가 기록, 분배, 거래 및 사용되는 방식을 변화시킵니다.


Greeneum 기술은 이미 국제적으로 성과를 내고 있습니다. 우리의 시범 프로그램은 주요 에너지 산업 선수, 정부 기관 및 학계 지도자와상의합니다. 함께, 우리는 청정 에너지 산업을 변화시키고 있습니다.


Greeneum은 어떻게 비전을 달성할까요?
GREENEUM Energy 플랫폼은 현재와 미래의 에너지 시장에 대한 완벽한 솔루션입니다. 우리의 작업은 단일 옥상의 태양 광 패널에서 글로벌 규모의 생산 모델에 이르기까지 다양합니다. GREENEUM의 플랫폼에는 세 가지 주요 기능이 있습니다.


Greeneum의 Net 기능 :
에너지 생산 및 소비를 기록 (메타 데이터)하고 검증하는 블록 체인 및 스마트 계약 기술.

GREENEUM의 AI / 머신 러닝 알고리즘은 그리드 및 스토리지 최적화를 가능하게하는 통찰력과 정확한 예측을 분석하고 생성합니다.

GREEN은 Ethereum 및 EOS를 기반으로하는 신 재생 에너지 토큰으로 수익을 창출하는 새로 도입 된 암호 화폐입니다.


Greeneum의 Net 제품 :
순수 사인파 태양 광 인버터
19 인치 랙 구조, 간편한 설치 및 공간 절약
출력 역률 1 AC 자동 재시작 및 리튬 배터리 활성화 기능 내장 MPPT 태양 광 컨트롤러
배터리 균등화 기능으로 배터리 성능 최적화 및 확장 라이프 사이클
인버터는 배터리없이 실행
내장 안티 황혼 KIF (9 개) 단위까지 가혹한 환경 .parallel 작동


Greeneum (Green) Token Swap to BEP20
Greeneum은 집중적 인 개발과 성공적인 감사 프로세스를 거쳐 Greeneum BEP20 스마트 계약의 성공적인 배포를 발표합니다.


바이 낸스 스마트 체인 (BEP20)이란 무엇입니까?
바이 낸스 스마트 체인은 대부분의 블록 체인보다 빠르고 저렴한 거래를 제공하며 개발자가 이더 리움에서 바이 낸스 스마트 체인으로 쉽게 이식 할 수 있습니다.


GREEN BEP20은 BSC (Binance Smart Chain) 네트워크로 사용자가 원활하게 자금 거래를 즐길 수 있으며 효율적인 Greeneum 스마트 에너지 P2P 애플리케이션을 제공 할 수 있습니다.


BEP-20은 가장 일반적인 이더 리움 토큰 표준 인 ERC-20을 확장하는 바이 낸스 스마트 체인의 토큰 표준입니다. 바이 낸스 체인의 BEP-2 토큰과 마찬가지로 BEP-20 토큰 전송은 BNB로 연료가 공급됩니다. 이는 검증자가 BNB를 수수료로 수집하기 때문에 블록 체인에 거래를 포함하도록 인센티브를 제공합니다. 그러나 이러한 수수료는 더 저렴하며 ERC20 네트워크에 비해 트랜잭션이 더 빠르게 실행되고 훨씬 적은 에너지를 소비합니다.


Greeneum의 테스트 및 검증 된 SaaS (Software as a Service), API (응용 프로그래밍 인터페이스) 및 안전한 사물 인터넷 (IoT)은 신규 및 기존 에너지 시장 이해 관계자를위한 관리, 지능형 예측, 최적화 및 가치 거래를 가능하게합니다.

실시간 기계 학습 및 일부 고급 검증, Greeneum 모니터 및


토큰 세부 정보 :
토큰 이름 : GREEN
총 공급량 : 10 억
토큰 유형 : ERC-20
판매 가능 : 250,000,000 GREEN
수령 : ETH

이 수치를 기반으로 한 100 % 재생 가능 시나리오에서는 수백만 개의 일자리가 창출 될 것입니다. 재생 가능 에너지 플랜트에서 390 만 개의 건설 일자리와 200 만 개의 운영 일자리가 기존 에너지 부문에서 손실 된 390 만 개의 일자리를 초과 할 것이라는 점을 고려하십시오.


30.9 %-육상 풍
19.1 %-해상 풍
30.7 %-유틸리티 규모 태양 광 태양 광 (PV)
7.2 %-옥상 PV
7.3 %-집중 태양 광 발전 (CSP)
1.25 %-지열
0.37 %-조수 / 파도
3.01 %- 수력 발전



결론 :
GREENEUM은 청정 에너지 시장, 글로벌 GREEN 커뮤니티, 글로벌 에너지 데이터 플랫폼, 에너지 시장 유통 및 에너지 보안 민주주의 및 가명을 만들기 위해 활동하는 글로벌 GREEN 커뮤니티를 보유하고 있습니다. 궁극적으로 GREENEUM 플랫폼을 통해 에너지 시장의 이해 관계자는 효율성을 높이고 수백만 달러를 절약하며 세계 재생 에너지 시장에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.


자세한 내용은 아래 링크로 문의하십시오.

웹 사이트 :  https://www.greeneum.net/

백서 :  https://www.greeneum.net/whitepaper

트위터 :  https://www.greeneum.net/whitepaper

페이스 북 :  https://www.facebook.com/groups/GreeneumNetwork/

교환 :  https://www.probit.com/app/exchange/GREEN-USDT/

텔레 그램 그룹 :  https://t.me/GreeneumNetwork/

텔레 그램 채널 :  https://t.me/GreeneumNetworkChannel


Bitcointalk 사용자 이름 : Hugo Lloris
Telegram 사용자 이름 : @MarioKacang
Bitcointalk URL : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2853532
Bep20 지갑 주소 : 0xa8348ae131e5E6380AC3141E1882B1cB3152d72a

Rabu, 02 Juni 2021

EXIP dezentrale Domain

EXIP dezentrale Domain

The internet we know today is not as free and open as it seems. Ever since the creation of domain names and top-level domains, two organisations are responsible for most of their control, IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) and ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). These two organisations have the power to seize, revoke, dismiss, and permanently erase any domain or top-level domain from existence. Though these two organisations fall under a non-profit umbrella, they behave recklessly and provide unlawful assistance to governments. Domain names & top-level domains are considered as a part of critical infrastructure since it helps a country’s internet to function seamlessly. Countries have poured billions of dollars in upgrading their military and other infrastructure to be “smart”. What the EXIP project aims to do is provide independence from IANA and ICANN on the internet. Countries and their respective governments, Corporates & individuals should own their domain names. Not non-profit corporations, which aids the governments & top tech giants when needed.


EXIP is designed to decentralise the internet and overcome monopolistic control over domain names and Top-level domains. A Blockchain DNS solution where an agnostic NFTs prefered by you identifies your domain & Top-Level Domain. EXIP DNS is blockchain-based, and the owner of the respective domain & top-level domain has complete control of its usage, even the provisioning of new domain names cum subdomains.

EXIP ecosystem is custom-built to the needs of any individual, private or government institution. EXIP token is an agnostic usage & governance token releasing initially based on the Binance chain. EXIP tokens will be used to buy, sell, and auction domains & top-level domains, while token holders will get staked when domains & TLDs are purchased & auctioned.

EXIP browser & Extension will enable users to access blockchain-based DNS technologies where everything progresses with a zero-knowledge policy. No one will own the internet but the community. Giving the security of an intranet meanwhile and providing the connectivity of the internet. Only then we can build a genuinely free and open internet.


What is the internet?
The Internet is a global network of interconnected intelligent hardware and software systems that enables digitized time and space storage, retrieval, dissemination, and information and communication processing. From a sociological perspective, the Internet, as depicted in some popular accounts, is not associated with a global information system. The constituent Web systems are protected by a sociological account of the Internet and are viewed as social phenomena. It also includes information and other material that people, organisations, and smart devices use the Internet to create, distribute, and receive. Finally, a sociological account involves the socially and historically organised structures and processes in which information and communication development, transmission, and reception are embedded.


The ultimate responsibility for controlling upper-level Internet Protocol addresses or domain names lies with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), which assigns the direct administration of most functions to other bodies.
At the global, regional level, the primary entities that provide allocation and registration services that support the international operations of the Internet are:
● RIPE NCC (Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre)
● ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers)
● APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Centre)
● LACNIC (Latin American and Caribbean IP address Regional Registry)
● AfriNIC (African Regional Registry for Internet Number Resources)


Internet Operations
Through the Internet Engineering Planning Group (IEPG), Internet operations are organised globally, an Internet operating group that aims to help Internet service providers communicate within the Global Internet. Organisations engaged in managing activities at the global, regional level include:
● American Registry for Internet Numbers
● Manages North America, a portion of the Caribbean and sub-equatorial Africa’s Internet numbering resources.
● Asia Pacific Networking Group (APOPs)
● Promotes the Internet and network interconnectivity cooperation in the field of Asia Pacific.


Internet Security
Several Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) in eight countries and several service provider operations and private networks significantly improve the safety of the Internet network. They are developed to track the network for security incidents on an ongoing basis, act as a database of data on such incidents and establish sensitive advisories.
The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams coordinates the CERTs.


What is DNS?
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) manages the domain names system. It is a non-profit organisation that creates and implements policies for domain names.
ICANN permits companies called Domain Name Registrars for selling domain names. These domain registrars are allowed to make changes to the domain names registry on your behalf.
Domain name registrars can sell domain names, manage their records, renewals, and transfers to other registrars.


The naming system for the Internet is running a multi-layer model now. Operating systems are typically exposed to a stub resolver. There are no recursive features in a stub resolver and can only submit simple DNS message queries to remote name servers. They are meant to be recursive servers. Recursive servers perform complete DNS iteration on behalf of stub resolvers by going through the nameserver of the zone before obtaining an answer. The name database for a region is called an authoritative server. Authoritative servers can support their records, but they can also send referrals to child zones.


What is a Domain?
The domain name is the address of your website that people type in the browser URL bar to visit your website.
In simple terms, if your website was a house, then your domain name will be its address.


When you enter a domain name in your web browser, it first sends a request to a global network of servers that form the Domain Name System (DNS).
These servers then lookup for the name servers associated with the domain and forward the request to those name servers.
For example, if your website is hosted on EXIP, then its name server information will be like this:


What is a Top-Level Domain?

Top-level domain or TLD s are generic domain extensions listed at the highest level in the domain name system.
There are hundreds of TLDs, but the most popular ones are .com, .org, and .net. Other TLDs are lesser-known. For example, .biz, .club, .info, .agency, and many more.

Generally, you can divide TLDs into three types:
Generic top-level domains (gTLD) – Roughly all domains that are not associated with a country. The most known are com, org and net. All gTLDs fall under ICANN’s policies.
Country-code top-level domains (ccTLD) – All domains identified with a country or geographical location, for example, de, nl or dk. A ccTLD always consists of two letters.
Sponsored top-Level Domain – sTLD-Sponsored top-level domain or sTLD is a category of TLDs with a sponsor representing a specific community served by the domain extension. For example, .edu for education-related organisations, .gov for the United States government, .mil for the United States military, and more.
Over the last years, many new TLDs have become available, for example, .agency, .email or .house. At One.com, you can choose from more than 250 different TLDs.


What Is a Web browser?
A browser is a software that is used to access the internet. A browser lets you visit websites and do activities within them like login, view multimedia, link from one site to another, visit one page from another, print, send and receive emails, among many other activities.
When you type a web page address such as www.independence.org into your browser, that web page in its entirety is not stored on a server ready and waiting to be delivered. Each web page that you request is individually created in response to your request.
You are calling up a list of requests to get content from various resource directories or servers on which the content for that page is stored.
It is rather like a recipe for a soup – you have a shopping list of ingredients (requests for content) that cooks a soup when combined in the correct order (the web page). The page may be made up of content from different sources.
Images may come from one server, text content from another, scripts such as date scripts from another and ads from another. As soon as you move to another page, the page that you have just viewed disappears. This is the dynamic nature of websites.


How are the domains currently purchased?
Several different companies (known as “registrars”) can register domain names. A list of these companies appears on the internet in the Registrar Directory. You will be told by the registrar you choose to include different contact information and technical information making up the registration. The registrar will then hold the contact information records and upload the technical information to a central directory known as the “registry,” which provides other computers on the Web with the data needed to send you an email or locate your website. You will also be required to enter into a registration agreement with the registrar setting out the terms and conditions under which your registration will be approved and retained.
There are now several different top-level domains (TLDs) where you can sign domain names.


How are the Top-Level domains currently purchased?

The public was not able to buy TLD’s same as they buy domains. None of the domain registrars are selling TLDs, which is not possible based on IANA and ICANN regulations. The only viable solution is the Open NIC platform, which provides custom TLDs priced at more than $100,000. Also, these domains are not entirely owned by the buyers its also comes base on renting agreements. The major disadvantage is these TLDs or domains cannot access through conventional browsers. They can only search through specific browsers made for these TLDs or through Tor browser, which is not suitable for the general public and business purposes.


How is the Domain Hierarchy maintained?
Recursive servers are usually open and run by Internet service providers or other organisations such as Google, Cloudflare, or OpenDNS.
Recursive DNS resolvers, such as the Public DNS [google] from Google, currently hit various root servers[root] run by different organisations. The root zone protects such kernel servers. The root zone is the set of top-level domains (TLDs). The information required to overcome such TLDs is stored in a root zone file branch ICANN distributed and maintained by IANA. ICANN is currently acting as a gatekeeper to which domains are permitted to enter a root zone archive.

According to ICANN, a country’s Internet domain name does not belong to that country— nor anyone.
Plaintiffs who successfully sued Iran, Syria, and North Korea as terrorist backers want to seize the ccTLDs (country code top-level domains) of the three countries as part of their financial judgments. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, which oversees the Internet, says they can’t do that because ccTLDs aren’t even property.
After the complainants sent papers to ICANN demanding the transfer of the domains, the body said it sympathised with their underlying allegations, but after it filed a motion to quash the attempted seizure.
A ccTLD is the two-letter code at the end of a country-specific Internet address, like .us for the United States or .cn for China. There are over 280 of them, all requiring directors, organisational contacts and professional contacts residing in the countries they represent. In this case, the domains are .ir for Iran and .sy for Syria, plus the equivalents for each Arabic script, and .kp for North Korea.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this structure?
DNS is the world’s only program that can help you browse the internet. With the internet becoming an integral part of society, maintaining DNS servers has become increasingly important. The internet would not exist without them.
No need to memorise IP addresses-DNS servers provide a clever solution to convert domain or subdomain names to IP addresses. Imagine how the IP addresses of Twitter, Facebook, Google, or any other page you usually visit daily will feel memorised. It would be wrong. The software also makes it easy to categorise and index data for search engines.
Security enhancement-DNS servers are a vital component for your home or work connections security. Usually, DNS servers configured for security purposes ensure that attempts to penetrate your database system are thwarted before entering your computers. It is important to note, however, that the word used is being improved. It means you will need to put other security measures to protect your information, especially if it’s a large organisation with loads of sensitive data.
DNS servers provide fast internet connections-People and organisations using DNS servers will benefit from high connection speeds, which are a crucial feature of some of these servers.
There are also primary and secondary links to DNS servers. This allows you to have internet uptime even if the maintenance of one of the servers is down.
One of the critical drawbacks of the DNS is that only ICANN, a non-profit organisation with origins bound to one country, can manage the database. It contradicts the idea of net neutrality, and over the past three decades, its points have been widely propagated.
Usually, DNS queries do not contain any information about the clients that initiated them. This is one of the reasons that hackers have been popular with DNS. This is because the server-side only sees the IP address from which the request came and which hackers can sometimes exploit.
DNS servers are based on the slave-master relationship concept. This ensures that if the master server is broken or corrupted in any way, the web page or database hosting on the server will be difficult to access. Hackers have also taken advantage of this. We have been able to find ways of phishing data by attacking the database machine and allowing redirects to other sites.


TLD Pricing Structure
Starting price of TLD is 1$
Every 250 TLD 1 USD will increase until 25000 TLDs
After 25000 TLDs maximum price of 1 TLD will be 100 USD
Users should pay only a lifetime of one payment for the TLD.


If the TLD owner allowed to create Domains under the TLD, and whenever someone makes a Domain
21% of the purchase price will be staked for EXIP token owners,
10% will go to TLD owner,
40% will go to the EXIP ecosystem
19% for node runners
When a user auctioned a Domain


70% to the domain owner
20% to the TLD owner
5% stake to the EXIP token holders
5% to the EXIP ecosystem


When a user auctioned a TLD

80% to the TLD owner
10% stake to the EXIP token holders
10% to the EXIP ecosystem


The nodes that run by the community will act as a decentralised ledger with the set of domain names to be resolved.
When users hosting domains
21% will stake to token holders
30% will stake to the nodes
39% will be for the EXIP ecosystem
10% will stake for TLD owner


What EXIP aims to provide as security features are of the following:

● DNS Spoofing
● DNS Hijacking
● DNS Flood
● Domain Hijacking
● Censorship resistance etc.


Total tokens: 50,000,000
Token Ticker: EXIP
Initial Token offering : 1,500,000 @ 0.5$
IDO and IEO Sales Offering
Initial Dex Offering : 1,500,000 @ 0.5$
Initial exchange offering 1 : 25,000,000 @0.65$
Initial exchange offering 2 : 12,500,000 @0.75$
Initial exchange offering 3 : 7,500,000 @0.85$
All unsold tokens will be burned at the end of IEO.


EXIP Road Map

Initial Concept & Initiated R&D January 2020

White paper March 2021
Promotional Token Offering May 2021
Domain & TLD reservation system June 2021
EXIP Browser (Extension) June 2021
ITO/IEO June 2021
DNS server Version 1 July 2021
IDO August 2021
Static Website Hosting October 2021
Exchange Offering Stage 2 & 3 October 2021
DNS server V2 June 2022
EXIP Browser July 2022
Dynamic website Hosting September 2022
Token Offering / Exchange Offering Stage 4 & 5 October 2022
DNS Server V3 June 2023
EXIP Browser V3 June 2023
Website Hosting V3 September 2023


The social network is very fresh, on the administration telegram says that information about the token will appear in the near future, the site itself is very rough Yes, you can also find information about this on their website, where the team says it is currently looking for an investment of $ 1 million … Of course, they are working on and working on projects, but it is too early to draw more specific conclusions. I think this company deserves some extra attention and on the tab for further observation and action.

For more About the EXIP project, you can visit the link below:

Website: https://www.exip.live/

Whitepaper: https://bit.ly/3bf8D56

Telegram: https://t.me/exipofficial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExipOfficial

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/exipproject

Medium: https://medium.com/@exip

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/exiptoken



Bitcointalk Username: Hugo Lloris
Telegram Username: @MarioKacang
BEP20(BSC) Wallet Address: 0xa8348ae131e5E6380AC3141E1882B1cB3152d72a



Cryptocurrency is a digital asset that has grown quite significantly in recent times. Many retail investors are starting to look at cryptocurrencies as their investment instrument, in addition to stocks or currencies. By investing in cryptocurrency, investors have a greater chance of being able to maximize the return on their investment. Because many investors have proven that cryptocurrency can give them higher profits compared to other investment instruments. However, please note that the higher the return you get, the higher the risk that must be accepted by investors. However, there are still many investors who are interested in the cryptocurrency market.


Where Bitcoin and some altcoins are more and more discovered by big institutions, this will be a serious problem in the future, because at any time they can sell their assets and run. Therefore Punkcoin exists as a cryptocurrency that targets private individuals. Punkcoin is inspired by several "rebel" coins in the crypto market, such as CryptoPunks and Bastard Gan Punks (V2). With Punkcoin, private investors can more freely invest in cryptocurrency without being affected by large institutions/whales.


The Rebel Under the Cryptocurrencies
We know that the cryptocurrency market is currently quite popular among retail and non-crypto investors. Even large institutions/companies have started to enter the cryptocurrency market. This has a very positive impact on the development of crypto-currency but it can also have a negative impact on cryptocurrency, because most retail investors, institutions, or large companies can become whales which can affect the prices and price movements of popular cryptocurrencies. This is very unfair and can have a bad impact on private investors. That's why Punkcoin made a "rebel" movement under cryptocurrencies - as a cryptocurrency that only targets private investors. With the presence of Punkcoin, it is hoped that private investors can invest in cryptocurrency safely and comfortably.


Punkcoin has the same design as other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Dogecoin, but what distinguishes it is the pink color and the line at the top of the P which reflects the style of punk hairstyles, which is unique and different from the others. And another one is black on their whitepaper and website.


Punkcoin Features
Punkcoin is a "rebel" token whose purpose is to serve as a cryptocurrency for private investors. Since this is a cryptocurrency aimed at private investors, obviously it stands for a decentralized finance system, which has the goal of disrupting the global financial ecosystem. Punkcoin is the same as cryptocurrency in general, but what distinguishes it is that it does not target large institutions/companies, only specifically for private investors. But not only that, there are still some other features of Punkcoin:

Built on Ethereum: Punkcoin is a token built on the fast and secure Ethereum protocol.

Supported wallets: Punkcoin supports Metamask as a digital wallet that connects users and the Punkcoin platform.


Punkcoin Token
PKC stands for Punkcoin which was launched for private investors. PKC was launched based on Ethereum ERC-20 with a total supply of 500,000,000,000,000 PKC. By owning PKC, holders can get various benefits such as increasing the price of tokens or joining the Punkcoin community, and it is possible that Punkcoin will provide DeFi features. Users can get PKC tokens through the Punkcoin website.


Token Detail
Token name : Punkcoin
Token symbol : PKC
Token worth (ICO start) : 0.000000000002 ETH
Token worth (ICO end) 0.000000000004 ETH
Sensitive catch : 1 ETH
Hard catch : 2,000 ETH

To conclude
Today there are many retail, institutional, or large corporate investors investing in the cryptocurrency market. This is a positive thing in the development of cryptocurrencies, but they can become whales which can influence the movements and prices of popular cryptocurrencies. And Punkcoin exists as a "rebel" token which targets private investors. Punkcoin is inspired by CryptoPunks and Bastard Gan Punks, but what Punkcoin is doing is more rebellious than the two tokens. It is hoped that the presence of Punkcoin will allow private individuals to invest more freely in cryptocurrency.

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