Jumat, 19 November 2021

Pítch Finanse (PFT)

Pítch Finanse (PFT)

Snimka zaslona (1194).png


Crurtosurrensu je prvobitno bio poznat kao sustav koji omogućuje da se može napraviti tranẑastíonẑ quizklu, thírtosurreusl. Satoẑhí koji je tvorac Bítsoína, čini da Bítsoín pobijedi centralizirani financijski sustav koji je nerijetko došao. Wíth the grоwth аnd dеvеlорmеnt оf the Crурtо оr blосkсhаіn есоѕуѕtеm, а numbеr оf аltеrnаtіvе іnvеѕtmеnt орtіоnѕ hаvе еmеrgеd, аnd hаvе рrоvеn tо be mоrе еffісіеnt аnd рrоfіtаblе іnvеѕtmеnt tооlѕ than trаdіtіоnаl fіnаnсіаl rеturnѕ. Innоvаtіvе рrојесtѕ are соnѕіѕtеntlу еmеrgіng ín the сrурtо іnduѕtrу wíth hіgh rеturn іnvеѕtmеntѕ аnd соntіnuоuѕ trеndѕ, ѕuсh аѕ Pіtсh Fіnаnсе (PFT), іѕ оnе оf the рrојесtѕ that wíll аttrасt lаrgе mаrkеt іnvеѕtmеntѕ. Dakle, ne gubite ovu zlatnu grešku.


Što je Patsh Finanse Što je
Pítch Finanse (PFT), Esosuẑtem? koje općenito ne mogu kontrolirati treći dijelovi ili ono što mi često nazivamo (bez intermedijara).
It аіmѕ tо mаіntаіn thе реrfоrmаnсе оf blосkсhаіn tо bесоmе а mоrе mоdеrn tесhnоlоgу еvеn nоt оnlу іn thе ѕhоrt tеrm but fоr futurе еrаѕ, аѕ wеll аѕ thе Pіtсh Fіnаnсе (PFT),есоѕуѕtеm whісh bаѕісаllу рrоvіdеѕ mаnу bеnеfіtѕ fоr іnvеѕtоrѕ аnd рrоvіdеѕ thе ѕоlutіоnѕ уоu nееd! іnсludіng рrојесt оwnеrѕ, dеvеlореrѕ, іnvеѕtоrѕ аnd аlѕо thе соmmunіtу whо аlwауѕ ассоmраnу thе Pіtсh Fіnаnсе (PFT),рrојесt јоurnеу. Thе Pіtсh Fіnаnсе (PFT),Eсоѕуѕtеm рlаn ѕtruсturе fосuѕеѕ оn gаtеwау fіnаnсіаl ѕеrvісеѕ bу іnсrеаѕіng ѕtаbіlіtу аnd аlѕо еnhаnсіng thе Pіtсh Fіnаnсе (PFT), есоѕуѕtеm fоr brоаd ассеѕѕ. іn thе ѕеnѕе thаt аnуоnе саn еаѕіlу uѕе thіѕ рlаtfоrm аnd саn bе ассеѕѕеd аnуwhеrе, аnуtіmе аnd ассоrdіng tо thе wіѕhеѕ оf thе uѕеrѕ thеmѕеlvеѕ. Anоthеr рrоѕресt bеіng dеvеlореd bу thе dеvеlореrѕ іѕ tо сrеаtе thеіr оwn ѕtаblесоіn оwnеd bу thе Pіtсh Fіnаnсе (PFT).

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Žetoni su svi navedeni na razmjeni soínѕbit.

The Pítch Fínanse (PFT), najvjerojatnije? Jeste li zainteresirani da nam se pridružite? “DA NARAVNO” Toplo preporučam Pítsh Finance (PFT), najvjerojatnije kao investiciju za budućnost. jer u potpunosti vjerujem da će ovaj projekt privući veliko tržište i ulaganja i da će također biti isplativ za budućnost! pridružite se uskoro prijatelji. Pítsh Finanse (PFT),Features
Pítsh Finanse (PFT), je platforma koja pruža moderan, isključiva i desentralizirana u konačnici. The fеаturеѕ оffеrеd bu Pіtсh Fіnаnсе (PFT), еnаblе uѕеrѕ tо ассеѕѕ сrурtо wаllеtѕ-gаtеwауѕ tо blосkсhаіn аррѕ, whísh аllоwѕ them tо buу, ѕtоrе, ѕеnd, ѕwар tоkеnѕ, еxрlоrе blосkсhаіn аррѕ, аnd ѕtоrе аnd trаnѕfеr NFTѕ. Ali to nije sve, postoji još nekoliko značajki Pítch Finanse (PFT)


Zašto biste trebali odabrati PítshFínanse?
Prvi multi-shain NFT poslovni fokus. proizvoditi, kupovati, prodavati, trgovati i razmjenjivati bilo koji nft na bilo kojem bloku, sve iz jedinstvenog ẑrota.
Pítsh Fínanse stvari su dostupne u različitim bloskshaínẑ za više igre, još važnije roẑẑíbílíe roẑẑíbílítu, m.
Faza je osigurana, osnovna i jaka jer je analizirana

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Podaci o tokenu
Naziv tokena: Pítš Finanse
Lanac: BSC
Kontrast: 0x8806a68bs665baaefae1f716da42a2443s15bb2f
Naziv: PFT


Veza projekta

Web stranica:  https://pitchfinance.app/
Telegram:  https://t.me/pitchfinancecommunity
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/PitchFinanceToken
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/Pitch_Finance
Instagram:  https:/ /www.instagram.com/pitchfinance/



Bitcointalk korisničko ime: Hugo Lloris
BitcoinTalk URL profila: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2853532
Telegram Korisničko ime: @MarioKacang
Novčanik: 0xa8348ae131e5E6380AC3141E1882B1cB3152d72a

IX Swap

IX Swap

Što je IX Swap?

IX Swap  je rješenje za likvidnost za sve STO/TSO burze na globalnoj razini, premošćujući jaz između CeFi i DeFi.IX Swap je posljednji dio infrastrukture potreban da se udahne život STO/TSO industriji.

Platforma će biti prva DeFi platforma koja će olakšati trgovanje sigurnosnim tokenima putem licenciranih skrbnika i sigurnosnih brokera koji će osigurati stvarno vlasništvo i potraživanje nad ovom stvarnom svjetskom imovinom.


IX Swap misija

IX Swap Mission će donijeti novi val likvidnosti u STO trgovanje i riješiti ključni problem industrije koristeći decentralizirani protokol

IX Swap koristi blockchain tehnologiju za izgradnju rješenja za likvidnost i infrastrukture za ekosustav sigurnosnih tokena, pružajući trgovanje i globalni pristup ovoj neiskorištenoj klasi imovine.


Značajke koje možete dobiti ako se pridružite IX Swap:

  • Prvi sigurnosni token/TSO likvidnostni skupovi: STO/TSO vlasnici tokena moći će legalno rudariti likvidnost po prvi put ikad
  • Platforma: Prvo rješenje za stvaranje tržišta DeFi namijenjeno za STO i tokenizirane dionice
  • Posuđivanje i pozajmljivanje: Iskoristite svoju neaktivnu imovinu da zaradite pasivni prihod
  • Licencirani partner: IX Swap uspostavio je partnerstvo s licenciranim posrednicima kako bi se bavio nijansama vrijednosnih papira
  • Otključajte vrijednost svog neaktivnog STO: zaradite kroz rudarenje likvidnosti i ulaganje vašeg STO/TSO


Zašto biste trebali odabrati IX Swap:

  • Prvi sigurnosni token/TSO skupovi likvidnosti
  • Vlasnici STO/TSO tokena moći će prvi put legalno rudariti likvidnost
  • Platforma
  • Prvo rješenje za izradu tržišta DeFi namijenjeno za STO i tokenizirane dionice
  • Posuđivanje i pozajmljivanje
  • Iskoristite svoju neaktivnu imovinu da zaradite pasivni prihod
  • Licencirani partneri
  • IX Swap uspostavio je partnerstvo s licenciranim posrednicima kako bi se bavio nijansama vrijednosnih papira
  • Niske naknade
  • Značajno smanjene naknade u usporedbi s 1-2% koje banke naplaćuju za ulaganja u privatnu imovinu
  • Otključajte vrijednost svojih neaktivnih STO
  • Zaradite kroz rudarenje likvidnosti i ulaganje vašeg STO/TSO


Tim IX Swapa počinje na svom putu za pokretanje kompatibilnosti međulanaca integracijom s Polygonovim full-stack skalirajućim rješenjem za borbu protiv trenutnih problema s naknadama za plin s kojima se naša zajednica susreće na glavnoj mreži Ethereuma i pružanjem cross-chain pristupa zajednici Polygon .


Token za dodjelu

  • Pružatelji likvidnosti 60% nagrada raspoređenih kao nagrade za ulaganje
  • IXS Reservers 40% IXS Moon Vault
  • IXS Solarni trezor
  • Trezor osiguranja
  • IXS Reservers 40% IXS Reserve Vault


Slučaj upotrebe tokena

  • Native token: IXS Token je izvorni token na IX Swap-u i djelovat će kao poticajna nagrada za doprinos rastu ekosustava
  • Swap naknade: Vlasnici tokena IXS moći će uložiti svoje udjele kako bi dobili dio naknada za zamjenu
  • Upareni skupovi: IXS upareni skupovi imat će povećani povrat u odnosu na ne IXS uparene skupove
  • Osiguranje: IL osiguranje će također biti dostupno za IXS uparene bazene
  • Token plaćanja: IXS će također biti izvorni token za plaćanje na STO CEX platformi s licencom InvestaX
  • Native Token: IXS Token je izvorni token na IX Swap-u i djelovat će kao poticajna nagrada za doprinos rastu ekosustava


IX Swap je globalno distribuirana organizacija s raznolikim timom koji radi zajedno u više zemalja i još uvijek raste. Kroz svoje ogromno znanje i iskustvo, tim se okupio kako bi riješio ključni infrastrukturni problem, a to je likvidnost u ekosustavu sigurnosnih tokena.

Tim koji stoji iza IX Swapa izgradio je preko 15+ tvrtki između članova tima i ima veliko iskustvo na tržištima kapitala i prostoru lanca blokova.

  • S. Alice Chen
  • Suosnivač i glavni savjetnik
  • Aaron Ong
  • Suosnivač i poslovni razvoj
  • Julian Kwan
  • Suosnivač
  • Asaf Yosifov
  • Upravni partner
  • Tzahi Kanza
  • Upravni partner
  • Aleksandar Velčev
  • Voditelj projekta
  • Alexander Cucer
  • Glavni tehnološki direktor
  • Vincent Ho
  • voditelj inženjeringa
  • Sharaa Miran
  • Investicijski analitičar i poslovni razvoj
  • Herbert Si
  • Porijeklo dogovora
  • Nishtha Pandey
  • Zakonska usklađenost
  • Darren Wong
  • Voditelj prodaje i distribucije
  • Myroslava Klymenko
  • Poslovni analitičar
  • John Neil
  • DevOps inženjer
  • Yaroslav Garkusha
  • Blockchain Developer
  • Victoria Florea
  • Blockchain Developer
  • Thi Nguyen
  • Blockchain Developer
  • Oštar Bahree
  • Softverski programer
  • Yevhen Hnennyi
  • UI/UX dizajner
  • Dimitrija Us
  • Web programer




Time IX Swap učinkovito premošćuje jaz između centraliziranog financiranja i DeFi-ja. Također donosi mnoge prednosti STO-a za projekte svih vrsta, kao što je pokretanje IPO-a i osiguravanje usklađenosti. STO također pomažu u prikupljanju sredstava, oslobađanju od pretjeranog oslanjanja na nelikvidnu imovinu kao što su rizični kapital i privatni dionički kapital te ulazak na nova tržišta.


Za više informacija:
Web stranica:  https://ixswap.io/
Litepaper:  http://ixs.loc/app/uploads/2021/08/IX-Swap-Litepaper.pdf
Medij:  https://ixswap.medium.com /
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/IxSwap
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/IXSwap/
Telegram:  https://t.me/ixswapofficial
Linkedin:  https://www.linkedin.com/company /ixswap
YouTube :  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaYPNR-eLs9iuB5ZVKRx-fw



Bitcointalk korisničko ime: Hugo Lloris
BitcoinTalk URL profila: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2853532
Telegram Korisničko ime: @MarioKacang
Novčanik: 0xa8348ae131e5E6380AC3141E1882B1cB3152d72a

Rabu, 10 November 2021



What is GuestCrew?
Guest Crew is an influencer marketing, content marketing, and crowd speaking platform. Power your content with the power of the crowd.


Our mission
GuestCrew uses a variety of social apps including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Stumbleupon to collect and store mentions, likes, tweets and comments. Then, this batch of updates is automatically deleted on the day of your campaign — all at the same time — creating a big buzz about you, your message, and your website.


Features if you join GuestCrew
Embrace Passion :

  • You you know your subject area. You're an expert, remember? So create meaningful content because only you can.
  • Providing Entertainment
    Everyone likes to be entertained and interested. Make your content interesting, entertaining and maybe even interactive.
  • Inform Your Audience
    Put your message online. Write the article. Build the infographic. Edit videos. When all is said and done, you have a message worth sending.
  • Connect Globally
    Now it's time to let us help. Your message must and can reach a global audience through social media. Our unique campaign strategy can help you do just that.
  • Profit
    Whether it's money, mentions, clicks or information, let your efforts collect results. Your information is
    valuable – why not profit?


Benefits If You Join GuestCrew:

  • Search Engine People.com - Use Paid Content Discovery And Promotion Tools. I recommend using Guestcrew.
  • Ahrefs.com - Use social community building and influencer marketing platforms like GuestCrew.
  • Huffington Post.com - Start a Public Speaking Campaign. Test your campaign design and generate buzz by promoting social media concepts
  • Social Media Examiner.com - Guest Crew is a good starting point, whether you want to gain visibility, receive more web traffic, and develop relationships


Premium features in GuestCrew :

  • Skype Support
  • Free Consultation on Skype
  • private message
  • Unlimited Free Private Messages
  • Social Coins — Get 200 Social Coins a Month. Use these coins to Improve your content and GuestCrew Influencers will share your content - earn coins in return and your content will get lots of high quality Tweets and Shares.
  • Sticky Status Updates — Paste and Embed Status Updates on Your Profile Page
  • Link purchases to Starter INHERE



  • Skype Support
  • Free Consultation on Skype
  • Private Message
  • Free Unlimited Private Messages
  • Sticky Status Update
  • Stick and Embed Status Updates on Your Profile Page
  • Sticky Boosted Offer
    Pin and Paste the Upgraded Status Update Offer on top of the Offer Page for 1 Day
  • Social Coins
    Get 500 Social Coins a Month
  • Link purchases to Pro Advertisers HERE



  • Skype Support
  • Free Consultation on Skype
  • Private Message
  • Free Unlimited Private Messages
  • Update Sticky Hashtag
  • Pin and Paste Status Updates on Top of Hashtag Pages for One Day.
  • Sticky Status Update
    Stick and Embed Status Updates on Your Profile Page
  • Sticky Boosted Offer
    Pin and Paste the Upgraded Status Update Offer on top of the Offer Page for 1 Day
  • Social Coins
    Get 1000 Social Coins Monthly
  • Link purchase content amplification HERE


The team
Back in 2013, two friends sat down and decided to start a platform that would allow small business owners to strengthen their reach and promote their business online more effectively.


For more information :
Website: https://guestcrew.com/
Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/qA53sZ2zbGsyMjM1
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/guest-crew
Facebook : https: //www.facebook.com/guestcrew
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/guestcrew/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/guestcrew

Bitcointalk Username: Hugo Lloris
BitcoinTalk Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2853532
Telegram Username: https://t.me/MarioKacang
Wallet : 0xa8348ae131e5E6380AC3141E1882B1cB3152d72a




Tech Giants require their users’ Bio-data as a prerequisite to sign up on their platforms. These data are required to obtain some generic information about the user. Information ranging from their full names, Date of Birth, geographical location, nationality and in many cases their phone numbers are sought out for. Unknowingly to these users, many of these tech giants sell their data to data seekers and rake in billions in dollar in the process. Sadly, the users are left out of the reward party as the tech giants smile to the bank. Alre is here to bring the users into the reward equation.



Alre’s vision is to empower individuals through the rights to their data and the tremendous value their data holds. Participants from every walk of life including big data corporations and individuals alike would be involved in Alre’s project. Every participant in Alre’s ecosystem, irrespective of their geographical location would be able to seamlessly transact with one another without any restriction.


In this 21st century, Data analytics is another testament of the advancement in technology and Alre would leverage on this benefit. Alre would enable data corporations and individuals to buy and sell data from one another as long as they comply with the personal data regulations. With Alre, aspiring individuals would be able to submit their Bio-data to a data bank, one that is secured with a high level of privacy. The individuals would be paid based on the quality of the data inputted and its usage.

One of Alre’s primary goals is to build an ecosystem that would make the buying and selling of personal data a reality and an essential integral part of our lives albeit, ARCS would guarantee the security and equitable distribution of data trade.



The Alre ecosystem will employ ARCS token as its native custom token. The token would support storage in ERC-20 wallets and would be tradable on exchanges that list ARCS. The price of ARCS would not be fixed; it would have the ability to fluctuate due to the forces of demand and supply carried out by market participants. ARCS has a maximum supply of 20 billion tokens and are currently trad-able on Kucoin and Probit exchanges, trading above $0.3 per token as of the time of this documentation. The token name and symbol are ARCS and ARX respectively. The entity handling the issuing of tokens is IFA Co. Ltd. 12.5% (2,500, 000,000) of the entire tokens would be kept as reserve while the remaining tokens would be segmented appropriately.



The Cryptocurrency market is still in its infancy; it is just a little above 10 years of age, thus has not secured the necessary regulatory and jurisdictional rights on a global scale. This has lead to sudden trading prohibitions by the law on some exchanges drastically causing price fluctuations.


ARCS Token Specification

The Token is based on the Etherium blockchain and the ERC-20 token standard. It will be issued by IFA Co., Ltd, with 20billion tokens minted and issued all at once for proper distribution and use.

  • Token Name: ARCS
  • Token Image: ARX
  • All out Issues: 20,000,000,000 (20 Billion)
  • Blockchain Stage: Ethereum
  • Token Norm: ERC20



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Alre has recognized the importance of protecting the personal data of its users. They have created an ecosystem where the users are in the center of it all, controlling what is being stored and shared between clients.

A safe storage model is of the utmost importance. That is why Alre has chosen immutable and impenetrable blockchain technology. Storing data on the blockchain builds the client’s trust in Alre. The mission of Alre is to protect identifiable personal data and put its users in control of what happens to it. In an ever-changing digital world, the companies who show an ability to protect their clients will earn the respect and trust they deserve. Trust creates opportunities, and opportunities create business growth.


Read More Here

WebSite: https://www.arcs-chain.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ARCS_ARX

Telegram: https://t.me/ARCS_ARX_EN


Proof of Author

Bitcointalk Username: Hugo Lloris
BitcoinTalk Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2853532
Telegram Username: https://t.me/MarioKacang
Wallet : 0xa8348ae131e5E6380AC3141E1882B1cB3152d72a